023 9246 3592 [email protected]


Serving the Solent since 1935

Hayling Marine Engineering Services has been serving the Solent and South Coast of England for nearly 90 years. We have built a solid and proven reputation for engineering excellence and reliability delivered on time, on budget and with that extra little bit of old-fashioned service thrown in.

Whether you are looking for an inboard or outboard service, engine repairs, new stern gear, bearings or a full re-engine package, you will not be disappointed.

Find out more below.

Inboard Engine Service

Inboard Servicing

Outboard engine service

Outboard Servicing



Engine repairs

Engine Repairs

Refurb before and after

Engine Refurbishment

Engine rebuild

Engine Rebuild

Engine install

Engine Installation

Nanni Diesel Engine installation

New Nanni Engines


Sterngear and Propellers

Propeller shaft fabrication

Parts Machining